The brocard

The traditional making of brocade is one of the oldest trades in Fez. It was brought by artisans from Andalusia and merged with Moroccan culture and art.
The brocade is a kind of luxury stuff. It has a dominant aspect of brooch fabric through which threads of silk and cotton intertwine with gold and silver threads. From the XVIII to the beginning of the 20th century, gold used for this purpose was 21 carats. Nowadays, however, we use golden threads called (Sqalli). Fassi men had been the first to put on this type of fabric used for the making of caftans (Melss), thus marking their belonging to the aristocracy. After the disappearance of this male kaftan, it was taken by the Moroccan woman who used it for making clothes, decorating the interiors of houses as well as for occasions and parties.

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