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Traditional chamber of industry in Fez Meknes and its counterpart Brain-Mein German : A fruitful historical collaboration to complete the formation of traditional manufacturers and improve their profitability.

Under the care given by the chamber of handicraft in the direction of Fez Mekness, in order to share experiences , expertise and develop the traditional industry sector , the Moroccan government has established extensive contacts with the German government to carry out development projects in Morocco for the benefit of traditional craftsmen , in this context , the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation has started implementing the cooperation project with developing countries and Morocco has been selected as destination for this cooperation . all these efforts culminated in the signing of the cooperation and partnership agreement between the traditional chamber of industry in Fez and its counterpart in Frankfurt Brain –Mein German .

The partnership aims at developing the Moroccan-German cooperation in the transfer of modern technologies to the traditional industrialists affiliated to the Fez chamber through the establishment of the center for the completion of the formation of traditional industries as well as the statistics of conventional industries contracting in the region . the chamber also provides digital data on traditional industry . to carry out its future functions as a modern room based on the German model , where visits were exchanged between the frameworks and members for the completion of sector studies in Germany .

This partnership has enabled the industrialists to improve their standard of living by completing their training and improving the profitability of their businesses.

This partnership resulted in the birth of important development projects for the city of Fez :

Building and equipping the center to complete the formation of traditional manufacturers .
Statistics of traditional industry contracts .
Strengthening of room structures.
Visits to German frameworks and completion of studies on several traditional characters.
Reciprocal visits to members and frames of artisans..

Agreements among partner countries in the project are:

Professions room Bryan Main , Germany .
The chamber of handicraft of Fes-Boulemane (formerly).
National chamber of the ivory coast.
National confederation of traditional craftsman of Benin.
The chamber of “Sarelleux” , Germany .
Vacational training center of the employers associations in Bavaria.

As a complement to this partnership, the cooperation project between the two chambers has been recognized since 2010 thanks to the new partnership within the framework of the Riva project . the regional network for the adaptation of technical and vocational training with the needs of traditional industry is a project approved by the European commission , agreements have been signed between the project partner countries :

Some professional rooms in latin American countries such as Honduras , Guatemala , El Salvador and Brazil are also secondary partners in the program to follow their experience in the area .
The new partnership under the Riva project aims at improving the quality of rehabilitation and increasing the integration of human resources and thus strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises .
Moreover , the presentation of technical and vocational training is consistent with the needs of the labor market , as well as the dissemination of comparative studies among partners , and thus strengthening the technical and vocational education and training systems within the target countries .
The project runs from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2012 .
This project targets vocational rooms , technical and vocational training institutions and institutes , governments (political rapporteurs ).

Project outcomes :

Develop and strengthen the technical and vocational training institutions in cooperation with the vocational and guidance rooms display the configuration towards demand through professional progression.
Strengthen the capacities of enterprises and concerned parties to become a key address for the state in organizing and the management of the vocational and technical training system.
Develop special interests aimed at improving the youth integration component.
Revitalize the system of training by the partners through the dissemination of the most effective methods and cooperation between all parties nationally , regionally , and internationally .

Thanks to the great success of this partnership, the traditional chamber of industry in Fez Meknes and its German counterpart will continue to work hard to sign the partnership agreement in the field of vocational training, which is divided into two stages :

The first phase was held from August 1, 2013 until July 31, 2016

The partnership agreement for vocational training in its first phrase , which combines the traditional chamber of industry with the former Fes-Boulemane, the Frankfurt chamber of commerce , the Brain Main , the training and employment promotion office and the development agency considered the city of Fes mainly to increase the professional skills of the components of the vocational training office and the revival of the work and the traditional manufacturers in the sectors of mechanic cars , renewable energies , shaving and restoration of old buildings .
To ensure the success of the experiment, the German partner acquired high-quality didactic equipment and equipment for the mechatronics and renewable energies for the center for the completion of the formation of traditional manufacturers of Fez under the supervision of the German project expert , Tony Brittenberger .

The second phase ,from August 1st 2016 and ends on July 31, 2019

Which combines the traditional chamber of industry in Fez Meknes , the Frankfurt chamber of commerce , Brain Main and the office of training and rehabilitation of work .
The partnership agreement in the field of vocational training aims to improve the economic and social situation of the traditional craftsmen in the region of Fez Meknes by completing their composition and improving their efficiency and the cost of their projects . a number of traditional craftsmen were formed in the field of shaving and restoring the old buildings in the first stage with a framework of German professors , experts and specialists .
The second phase was devoted to the composition of the components of the office of vocational training in the area of the character of the mechanic cars , renewable energies and wood through training courses contributed by German experts . in the future , the components will supervise the transfer of their expertise to traditional craftmen at various training centers .

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