Akkar Fassi

The material of ‘’ AkkarFassi ‘’ or what is called ‘’blood of the Gazelle ‘’ has been for a long time one of Fassi woman secret which it show her unique to maintain her brilliance and beauty . the perfumery craftsman were careful on the preparation of this product because they know its importance and value , the material of the ‘’AkkarFassi “ are taking from the red anemone or “Belaaman” as it is called in Morocco , a kind of flowers that are characterizd by its fiery red color and it also called “flower of blood” that name is proportion to one of the kings of Al-Hira named Al-Nu’manibn Al-Mundhir who loved this flower and carry her and he also ordered his guards to planted heavily in the gardens of his palace .

غرفة الصناعة التقليدية لجهة فاس مكناس©